www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2014/1 resumé



In its section entitled Society – a chronicle, brings this years first issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine its readers several articles, in which some of the Hungarian organization active within the Czech Republic evaluate their activities in the last year. I also informs the readers about a scientific conference, which took place in Prague on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the start of teaching of Hungarian at the Charles University.

The section Czechs and Hungarians brings an interesting article about the work of a Moravian doctor, who led the Rókus hospital in Budapest. The author of the article is László Kiss.

The Hungarian presidency of the Central European Initiative from last year is the topic of the section entitle Carpathian basin. The other articles are: Hungarian in light of a census, national an foreign policy, possibilities of a Hungarian autonomy in Slovakia.

In the all new section Scientist, inventors, explorers we introduce the Hungarian scientist Ányos Jedlik. The article was written by István H. Tóth.

The interesting life of the Hungarian queen Borbála Cillei is the topic of the section A look into the past.

In the section Culture–media describes the publicist Tihamér Lacza the past and current history of the Hungarian radio broadcasting in Slovakia. In the next article we introduce Imre Papp, a Hungarian poet living in Prague. We also commemorate the death of a legend of Hungarian cinematography, the director Miklós Jancsó.

The section We found out contains an article on the plan to build a statue of the Austrian empress Maria Theresia in Prague. We have also noted the success of Imre Bugár in the television show Stardance.