www.pragaitukor.com - Prgai Tkr

2007/1 resum



The aim of Prgai Tukor, a magazine that has entered upon this year with a slight change in concept, is to more distinctively map the current activity, problems and history of the Hungarian minority living in the Czech Republic, including also the Hungarian-Czech and Hungarian-Slovak context. The concept is further explained in more details in the introduction by the new editor-in-chief Jnos Kokes.

The column Hungarian Destiny from Moravia to the West includes interview with Andrs Zdor and Margit Zdor, the prominent interpreters of Czech literature to Hungarian. Detailed information about Hungarians from the population census in 2001 can be found in the column Hungarians in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The life and work of Jnos Esterhzy, a famous Hungarian politician in Czechoslovakia, is introduced by Gyrgy Nemes. After analysis of the facts the author of the article concludes that Esterhzy should be rehabilitated. Other articles in the column Hungarians and Czechs - History and Past address the work of the Czech muzeologist Josef Polk, a life jubilee of a Czech Hungarologist Richard Prak, and they inform about the award of Gyrgy Varga Pelikn Prize.

The column From Prague to Budapest introduces among others a Slovak institute Frum, which is concerned with studying national minorities, and it further provides information about a meeting in Budapest of former Hungarian students at Czech universities, as well as an article about a Hungarian minority in Bucharest.

The Library includes a review of a Prague Tourist Guide written by Ildik Csfalvay, and it draws attention to several other interesting books.

Jzsef Szilvssy writes about the great success of the series Neighbours which is broadcasted in the Slovak TV station Markza. The main characters of this series are two families - one Slovak and one Hungarian.

Vince Tomi has mapped the history of Czechoslovak-Hungarian soccer matches.

The extract from Czech literature Jan Werich: Lincoln 1933 was translated by Margit Zdor.

The appendix Tkrkp brings more detailed news about last year activities of all six base organizations of the Hungarian Federation. It also provides detailed information about the political movement of the Coexistentia, about the Hungarian Economy Federation in the Czech Republic, and about the preparation for the foundation of a civil federation of Hungarian medical doctors in the Czech Republic. Hungarian Slavist Csaba Gy. Kiss contemplates about the popularity of Czech culture in Hungary while Tajna Poljakov continues her series of family stories. Another part of the appendix includes information about the possibility of using mother tongue in tax offices and it also provides many social news. The appendix likewise includes a children's column.