www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2007/3 resumé



The lead-in section “Hungarian Destinies from Moravia on to the West“- of this year's third copy of the Prágai Tükör is introducing an interview with an exprofessor at the Komenského Faculty in Prague, Lajos Csémy. The faculty was the source of education for the theologians from the Hungarian Reformed Church in Slovakia since the 50's till the half of the 90's. The readers may therefore acquaint themselves not only with the life experiences and work of this great investigator, but also get acknowledged about the education of the theologians for the Hungarian Reformed Church in Slovakia.

The section „Hungarians in Bohemia, in Moravia and in Silesia“ is specially dedicated to the commemorate celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the death of János Esterházy, an eminent Hungarian politician in the times of pre-war Czechoslovakia, set in Mírov in Moravia. Count Esterházy died in the Mírov prison in 1995 as a victim of the post-war politics of the Czechoslovakian state. All those present at the rememberance service agreed unanimously for Count Esterházy's full political rehabilitation.

As a support material for this section a review and extracts from the Report about the national minorities situation in the Czech Republic for the year 2006, which was approved by the Czech government, was used.

The section called „Hungarians and Czechs - History and Past“, gives information about „Russian Prague“, written by Pál E. Fehér, a prominent Hungarian expert on the present situation in the Czech Republic. It also involves an article about the fact, that the Czech ex-president Václav Havel was graced with a Golden medal of István Széchenyi.

The article about the possible results from the accession of Slovakia and Hungary into the Schengen area for the slovak-hungarian co-existence, was written by the well known Czech columnist Luboš Palata. This may be found in the section called „From Prague to Bucharest“. An interview with Péter Lizák is maping the slovak-ukraine border situation.

The columnist József Szilvásssy has worked up extensive material about Hungarian museums and cultural sightes in Slovakia.

The Library section introduces a review about a publication concerning Hungarian soldiers, who have died on the western front in the Second World War and are burried at the western military graveyard. The book also references to the Czech Republic.

Samples from the Czech literature - prose by Edgar Dutka - translated by Margit Zádor.

The regular magazine appendix Tükörkép gives information about several events in the basical organisations of the Hungarian association and about the opening of the House of Nationalities in Prague. Éva Weszely, reporter of this magazine, has visited the Hungarian Colony in the German Cologne. A traditional component of the appendix is the section for children.