www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2008/3 resumé



The diplomoatic mission in the Czech Republic was very interesting and informatory for me. The Hungarians find Czech pragmatism very remarkable. I also regard positively the fact that political issues do not split Czech citizens to such extent like for instance people in Hungary. I also positively regard the operations of the organizations of Hugarian minority in the Czech Republic - these are just a few thoughts from na inteview that István Szabó, a Hungarian ambassador in Prague who has just ended his four-year stay in the Czech Republic, gave to the third issue of Prágai Tükör.

The third part of the series dedicated to the ominous number eight in Czech history is concerned with the year 1948 whe the communist regime came to power. A special attention is again given to the fate of a Hungaian minority living in the south of Slovakia. An interesting material written by a historian Attila Simon is published in the section Hungarians in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.

The section Hungarians and Czechs - history and present contains an article about a Czech award given to a Hungarian philosopher Ágnes Heller for her courageous protest against the Russian ocupation of Czechoslovakia in August 1968.

For the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Hungarian Coalition Party publicist József Szilvássy analyzes its activities in the section From Prague to Bucharest. This political party represents a half-a milion Hungarian minority in Slovakia.

The sports section contains a comprehensive article about a very successful Czechoslovak discus thrower of a Hungarian origin Imre Bugár. The author of the article is a sports journalist Vince Tomi.

A remarkable article about the Hungarian language was written by professor István H. Tóth, lecturer of Hungarian at the Charles University in Prague.

Professor Vilma Eõry compares various saying in Hungarian, Czech, English and German. This interesting material is published in the section Our Mother Tongue.

The extract from a Czech literature - this time from work of Jiøí Reich - Escape was translated by Margit Zádor.

A regular appendix of the magazine Tükörkép contains a photo story that informs about the course of the educational weekend of the Hungarian Federation that took part at the end of August in the south of Moravia. The appendix also contains an article about the meeting with a new Hungarian ambassador in Prague, about celebrations of the Hungarian anniversary of st. Stephen. A part of the appendix is also a section with materials for children.