www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2010/2 resumé



This years (2010) second issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine introduces in its section named Hungarian fates west of Moravia an interview with Becske Katalin a founding member and long time official of the Union of Hungarians in the Czech Republic.

In the interview, Becske Katalin - a native of the middle-Slovakian village of Plešivec in the Torna¾a region - talks in detail about how she ended up in Prague in 1979, how she first studied here and later on stayed to work in the Motol hospital.

After the year 1990 she made her way into the leadership of the Union of Hungarians and in the late nineties she was the organizational secretary of the Union. Today, she is a member of the leadership of the Prague branch. She also tells us about her activities in the Union as well as about her personal life.

The section Hungarians in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia is fully dedicated to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Unions’ founding in the Czech Republic. We publish the speech of Rákóczy Anna, the president of the Union, the speech of the founding president Tamás Csémy and of the Hungarian ambassador in the Czech Republic, mr. Szõke László. The article is accompanied with many photographies from the event.

In the section Hungarians and Czechs - the past and the future we bring you information about the honours received by the translator Anna Valentová and about the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Coexistentia political movement.

In the library section we publish a review of Tatiana Poljakova’s book entitled „Rodinné historky”.

In the section Cinematography, theatre and television we bring attention to the international success of some young hungarian movie artists from Slovakia.

Ildikó Cséfalvay will take us on a walk through the parks of Prague in the section Sports, humour, curiosities.

Czech literature is represented in the magazine by the short essay by Pavel Brycz, translated by well known translator Margit Zádor. She also presents a short profile of te artist.

The appendix Tükörkép brings an article and a photo report from the clutural afternoon of the Coexistentia movement. We also bring you news of the events that took place to commemorate the poet Miklós Rádnóti in Liberec and Brno and of the Prague international book exhibition.

And traditionally, we also include the usual childrens’ section.