www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2011/1 resumé



In this year’s (2011) first issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine in the section Hungarian fates west of Moravia we bring you an interview with Béla Szaló, who is a Prague resident since 1969. First as a student at the Czech Technical University in Prague and an active member of the Ady Endre student association, later as a manager of a power company. In the early nineties he co-founded the Union of Hungarians living in the Czech Republic and took part in the union’s activities right from the beginning. In the interview he mainly talks about his living in a Czech environment, where he had no conflicts because of his nationality and of his interests.

He also gives testimony about the atmosphere of the seventies and the eighties in the Czech society and in the Ady Endre student association in Prague.

The editorial of the magazine offers a contemplation on how the Hungarian minority in the Czech Republic should be organized and considers, whether it is better to have one organization or several smaller ones. According to the author this is for the Hungarians themselves to decide and should suit their needs and interests.

In the section Hungarians in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia we publish another part from the upcoming book about the Ady Endre student association in Prague, whose author is a renowned Hungarian publicist Tihamér Lacza.

The section entitled Bookshelf comes with the next chapter of the series by Klára Truchlá on valuable Hungarian books and documents found in Prague’s Klementinum.

Hungarian history from the 18th century is the topic of the next section entitled Hindsight. The author of the article is Professor István H. Tóth.

Modern Hungarian literature is represented by a portrait of Zsuzsa Rakovsky, while Czech literature is represented by a portrait of Jaroslav Seifert and one of his short stories. The materials were prepared by renowned translator Margit Zádor.

The appendix Tükörkép brings an article about the 20th Hungarian ball in Prague and informs about the celebration of the 163. anniversary of the Hungarian revolution from 1848.

A traditional part of the appendix is the section containing materials for children.