www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2011/4 resumé



This year’s fourth issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine presents, in its section Hungarian Fates West of Moravia, an interview with Mária Dìdinová, the president of the Union of Hungarian doctors in Bohemia and Moravia. She was born in the East-Slovakian village of Buzita and she speaks of ther childhood, her studies in Košice and Prague and about why she initiated the creation of the Hungarian doctors union in the Czech Republic. She also explains in detail her opinions on the work of the Union of Hungarians in the Czech Republic. She states that in her opininon, cooperation between all Hungarian organizations is of utmost importance.

In the section Hungarians in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia we publish another excerpt from the yet unpublished book about the Ady Endre student club in Prague, written by renowned Hungarian publicist living in Slovakia, Tihamér Lacza.

The section Bookshelf contains another chapter of Klára Truchlá series on rare Hungarian books and documents found in the Prague Klementinum library.

Hungarian history of the second half of the 19th century is the topic of the section entitled Looking into the past. The author of the article is Professor István H. Tóth. The article mainly deals with the period after the suppression of the revolution in the years 1848/1849 and the Hungarian-Austrian settlement.

In the section From Prague to Bucharest we bring you news about the controversy around the rebuilding of the statue of Maria-Theresia, the Austrian monarch in Bratislava and about the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Union of Hungarian organizations in Western European countries.

The section Film, theatre and television we inform abou the death of an important Czech movie director, Otakar Vávra and also about the autobiographic movie about the life of an important figure between Slovakian Hungarians, Miklós Duray.

Modern Hungarian literature is represented by the author László Szilasi. The author of the translation is Alžbìta Vaculíková.

Czech literature is represented in the magazine by a short story written by Petra Soukupová. Translation is by renowned translator Margit Zádor.

The appendix Tükörkép contains a report on the cultural and educational weekend in Kouty traditionally organized by the Hungarian Union. The article also contains pictures from the event. We also print another chapter of Tatiana Poljaková family stories.

A part of the appendix as usual is also the section with materials for children.