www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2012/1 resumé



In this years (2012) first issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine in the section entitled In memoriam we pay tribute to the former Czechoslovakian a Czech president Václav Havel, who has passed away in December 2011. We print a translation of several of Václav Havel’s public appearances from the nineties.

In the section Hungarian fates west of Moravia we bring our readers an interview with Miklós Lencsés, the former president of the Prague student association named after Ady Endre (AED).

Miklós Lencsés, who was the president of the student association in the middle of the eighties, during which time he himself has already finished his studies and was working, explains and describes in detail the social climate, in which the Hungarian student association existed at that time. He also reminds us, how the communist state security service has monitored the activities of the association.

The section Hungarians in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia brings an article containing the first census data related to the Hungarian minority and other minorities living in the Czech Republic.

“Hungarians and Czechs - the past and the present” is the title of our next section that informs readers about the memorial ceremony that took place in Prague to honor the birth anniversary of Esterházy János, a former political leader of the Hungarians in Slovakia, who died in the prison of Mírov in the fifties.

The section Bookshelf brings our readers reviews of particularly interesting books on the topic of the Hungarian revolution of 1956.

In the section Movie, theatre and television we focus on Hungarian actor from Slovakia, who got roles in Czech or Slovak movies in the previous year.

The fire, that destroyed the roof of the Krasnahorka castle, is the topic of the next section entitled Sports, humor and curiosities. The author of the article is the renown Hungarian publicist living in Slovakia, Tihamér Lacza, who himself studied in Prague.

Czech literature is represented in the issue by the short novel of the author Josef Skvorecky entitled doctor Strass. This was translated by the renowned translator Margit Zádor. She also added a short profile of the author.

The appendix Tükorkép contains several articles about this autumn’s Days of Hungarian culture in Brno and Ostrava and about the March celebrations of a Hungarian national holiday.

A traditional part of the appendix is also the section containing materials for children.