www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2012/3 resumé



This year’s third issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine, in its section Hungarian Fates West of Moravia, brings its readers an interview with Tünde Ambrus a member of the national and Brno leadership of the Union of Hungarians.

We found out during the interview that during her student years, Tünde Ambrus was an active member of the student club KAFEDIK and after finishing her studies she stayed at the university to work as an assistant.

Mrs. Ambrus also presents her opinion on the workings of the Union. Especially interesting are her opinions on the necessity of widening the member base and on the issue of cooperation of Hungarian organizations within the Czech Republic.

The section Hungarians and Czechs - the past and the present brings a thorough account of the exhibition of Hungarian artists from the Czech Republic that has taken place in Budapest. The author of the article is Zsuzsa Lõrincz who is a renown Hungarian graphic artist living in Prague.

In the section entitled From Prague to Bucharest we bring you information about the discussion currently taking place in Hungary concerning the person of Miklós Horthy, the leader of Hungary in the years 1920 to 1944.

The section Film, Theatre and Television writes about the international film festival in Karlovy Vary and also about the Summer Film School in Uherské Hradištì.

Modern Hungarian literature is represented by the author Lajos Grendel. The author of the article is Alžbìta Vaculíková.

Czech literature in the magazine is represented by a short story by Ivan Binar entitled „Pøíbìhy z elektrárny” (Stories from the power plant). Translated by renowned translator Margit Zádor.

We also bring detailed information about the memorial ceremonies that have taken place in Slovakia, the Moravian Mírov and in Olomouc, to honor the anniversary of the death of count János Esterházy, a prominent Hungarian pre-war politician. The material is printed in the section Tükörkép under the title Life of the Union.

The magazine also informs the readers about the summer camp of the Hungarian youth in Slovakia and brings another chapter from the family stories by Tatiana Poljaková.

Part of the appendix is also the traditional section for children.