www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2013/2 resumé



This year’s second issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine informs its readers about the varied activities in both cultural and social areas of the Hungarian minority living in the Czech Republic.

In the section Society – a chronicle we bring you news about the celebration of the Hungarian national holiday (March 15th), about the memorial event to honor the Hungarian politiacian of the ex Czechoslovakia János Esterházy in Pragues Motol. We further bring you news about the ratings of the Pilsen branch of our Union of Hungarians and about the activities of the Reformed Hungarian Church in Prague.

As usual a section very rich in content is the section Czechs and Hungarians. In this months issue our readers will find an interesting article on the former chancellor of the Charles University Jan Jessenius, who was of Hungarian origin and a article about Artúr Görgey commemorating the one year anniversary of the unveiling of his memorial in Prague. The authors of the articles are László Kiss and István. H. Tóth. We also write about how Hungarian is taught at the Charles University.

The section Carpathian basin contains amongst others an article entitled „Klaus and the Hungarian-Slovak conflicts”. In this article the author illustrates, based on the public statements of the former president, that he always sided with the Slovaks.

In a new section entitled Hungarian monuments in Bohemia and Moravia we bring you an article on Hungarian monuments in the south Moravian region. The article, written by Ildikó Cséfalvay, is the second part of a six part series.

The new book with the title National minorities in Czechoslovakia (1918-1938) is the topic of the next section, Looking into history.

Culture and media is the title of the next section bringing news about the important milestone in the life of Jiøí Menzel, the performance of the Hungarian Theatre from Cluj in Prague and about the use of foreign words in the Hungarian language. The author of the last article is associat professor István Jakab. Klára Filipovits in turn writes about Hungarian painters of the 20th century.

The Burgenlander castle Forchtenstein and its Hungarian cultural treasures is the topic of the section entitled Curiosities, sports and humour. The author of the article is Katalin M. Pálfy.

The section „We found out“informs about the possibility of getting a double citizenship in the Czech Republic.