www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2014/2 resumé



In this year’s second issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine in the section Society – a chronicle we bring our readers information about the celebration of the Hungarian revolution of 1848 in Prague and about the memorial service taking place on the anniversary of the death of Hungarian politician János Esterházy, which took place at the Prague´s Motol cemetery. We also bring our readers an article on the successful cultural event called Souznìní, which took place in Prague, and we publish an interview with Zsófia Folk, the chairperson of the Union of Hungarian Students in Prague (AED).

The section Czechs and Hungarians introduces the recollections of Mihály Mõcsényi concerning his involvement in the liberation of the south bohemian towns of Rájov and Zlatá Koruna at the end of World War II. The author of the article Wesselényi and Priessnitz is the publicist László Kiss.

The publicist József Szilvássy sums up the history of the cultural association Csemadok in Slovakia in the section Carpathian basin.

An interesting article by the publicist Ernõ Ozogány describes an important figure from the history of Hungarian science, Mátyás Bél. The article is published in the section Scientists, inventors and travellers.

The same author also wrote the next article which also has a historical theme, this time describing the murder of the Hungarian queen Gertrudis. This can be found in the section A look into the past.

The „Hungarian trip” of Bohumil Hrabal is the topic of the article entitled The works and Hungarian trip of Hrabal written by translator Margit Zádor, located in the section Culture-media. In the same section we inform our readers about the successes of Hungarian films at the Prague Febiofest festival.

The new face of modern Budapest is introduced in the next article, which can be found in the section Curiosities, sports, humour.

In the section Private history we bring our readers a new chapter of the series Family stories.

In the section entitled We found out we write about he results of a survey exploring the relationship Czechs have towards national minorities living in the Czech Republic.