www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2014/4 resumé



This year’s fourth issue of the Prágai Tükör magazine brings, in its section Society – a chronicle, an article on the memorial event in Mírov to honour János Esterházy, who was an important Hungarian politician in former Czechoslovakia between the two wars. Esterházy was unjustly accused of collaboration with the Nazis after the war and has received a sentence of lifetime imprisonment. He died in the Mírov prison. Hungarian organizations strive to clear his name and rehabilitate him.

The section Czechs and Hungarians contains an article on the activities of a Moravian physician Vilmos Zlamál in 19th century Pest. The author of the article is the publicist László Kiss.

Carpathian basin is the title of the next section of our magazine, where we inform our readers about the Hungarian summer festivals taking place in Slovakia and we take a look back at the Hungarian presidency of the Visegrad Group.

In the section Scientists, inventors and travellers we print an article about the renowned scientist Menyhért Palágyi. The author of this article is György I. Palágyi.

The publicist Ernõ Ozogány is the author of the article on the legendary „first lieutenant Mária”, a woman, who fought in the revolutionary years of 1848/49 for the freedom of Hungary disguised as a man. In the section A look into the past we commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War I.

Especially rich is this issues section Culture-media. We bring an article on the success of the Hungarian filmmaker

Györgye Pálfiho at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, an interview with the actor Imre Boráros, we commemorate the actress Klári Tolnay and we bring another article about the University of János Selye in Komárno, the only Hungarian university in Slovakia.

A new face of modern Budapest – this time it’s the park Bazar Várkert – is introduced in the section Curiosities, sports, humour.

The section Private history brings our readers another episode of the Family stories.

We introduce the Hungarian nominees for the Memory of a nation award in the section We found out.