www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2014/6 resumé



This year's sixth issue of the magazine Prágai Tükör informs in the Society-Chronicle section about the unveiling of a new memorial plaque of a Hungarian poet Miklós Radnóti in Liberec. Radnóti attended the local textile school in the school year 1927/1928.

The section Czechs and Hungarians publishes an original material about the relationship between a Hungarian poet Lõrinc Szabó and a cultural attache of a Czechoslovak Embassy in Budapest, Anton Straka. The author is a literary scholar Eszter Ondrejèák.

The section Carpathian Basin informs about the Council of the Hungarian diaspora in Budapest, which dealt with the problems of Hungarians living in the diaspora. This is the same situation as that of the Hungarian minority in the Czech Republic.

The section Scientists, Inventors, Travelers brings an article about a significant traveler Flóra Sass, who travelled through Africa with her husband and who wrote books about this experience. The author of the article is a columnist Ernõ Ozogány.

The section Looking back commemorates two important people of the Hungarian minority in the Slovak Republic: father and son Norbert Duka Zólyomi and Árpád Duka Zólyomi. Árpád Duka Zólyomi studied in Prague and was a major Czechoslovak scientist.

We also present a material about the mausoleum in Hranice na Moravì, the burial place of more than 230 Hungarian soldiers killed in the First World War.

The section Culture-Media is also interesting – we present an interview with Ladislav Chudík, the legend of Slovak drama.

Professor István H. Tóth wrote an interesting article about Christmas customs around the world in the section Sights, Sports, Humor.

A new episode of Family stories as well as an article about Palágykomoróc village in Ukraine can be read in the section Private History

The section Finding out informs about services provided by the Consular Office of Hungary in Prague.