www.pragaitukor.com - Prágai Tükör

2005/2 resumé



The 2005/2 issue of Prágai Tükör begins with Katalin Rónai's contribution devoted to the sixtieth anniversary of the end of World War II. In the following A Few Books section, Krisztián Benyovszky reviews Michal Ajvaz's novel called Empty Streets (Prázdné ulice). The Treasure Hunting section offers passages from László Bellyei's diary that was written at the end of the 1920s and describes the life of Hungarian students in Prague and their political and literal movements in the following decades. In the Panorama of Essays section, Tibor Tátyi draws a parallel between the novels of the well-known 20th century Czech writer Karel Èapek and his famous Hungarian contemporary Mihály Babits (Válka s mloky versus Elza pilóta). István Vadai presents the Hungarian Renaissance poet Bálint Balassi's love poetry. In the Our History section, Tibor Ács writes about the famous Hungarian mathematician János Bolyai, especially his stay in the Moravian city of Olomouc and about the new commemorative plaque unveiled in the city in 2004 to remind the citizens of the great scientist. The Some Literature section, through his poems, commemorates the outstanding Hungarian poet Attila József who was born a hundred years ago. In the Meeting of Cultures section, Radim Valak informs about the series of lectures and film projections held at Charles University in Prague that focused on the Hungarian cinematography of the 1970s and 1980s. There are two film reviews, one on a Károly Makk film written by Malvína Toupalová and another one on an István Gaál film written by Linda Konášová. Pavel Sladký reports on the film festival held in the South-Moravian Uherské Hradištì where the countries of the Visegrád Group presented their recent film production. The end of this section informs about a Prague exhibition of two Hungarian artists: the felt artist Judit Pócs and the graphic designer Éva Nagy. Czech literature is represented in the journal by the mini-profile of the contemporary writer Pavel Šrut including a couple of his short stories.

In the supplement of the journal (Tü)körkép, Dávid Császár introduces the Prague Hungarian folk group Nyitnikék. There are also news about the events in the local Hungarian clubs throughout the Czech Republic. Attila Detáry writes about the recently opened Palace of Arts in Budapest and about the development of the “Big Read” (Nagy Könyv) project in Hungary: after the selection of the 100 most popular books Hungarian readers are going to choose their Top 12. The journal offers the readers the next part of its ethnographic series and concludes by the popular Children's Pages.